Greetings, Broomfield Pediatrics families. Rest assured we are taking all precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at our clinic. Here are some new procedures in place:
We have separate treatment rooms designated for well and sick patients.
We have reserved the morning appointments for Well Visits only and the afternoon appointments for sick visits only.
We are screening everyone at the front desk for COVID-19 symptoms and directing them to the appropriate side of the clinic.
We are screening and triaging all patients appropriately for COVID-19 symptoms over the phone before scheduling appointments.
If all treatment rooms are full we will get the parent’s/guardian’s phone number and patient’s name, redirect them back to their car until a room is cleaned and available and then call them back in.
We are calling all patients who have well child visits scheduled and who do not need vaccinations to reschedule them three to four weeks out. We are offering the same for patients with well-child visit who do need vaccinations if they would like to reschedule. We are not cancelling any appointments, however, just offering to reschedule.
All staff wearing personal protective equipment as it is appropriate
Broomfield Pediatrics clinic is being cleaned daily per CDC and EPA guidelines.
Take care of yourself. We’ll get through this together!